
Frequently Asked Questions

Many individuals who are looking for help for themselves or a loved one ask the same questions. This page presents some of the most commonly asked questions and their answers.
  • What exactly is therapy?
    Put simply, therapy – also called psychotherapy or counseling – is the process of meeting with a trained and credentialed professional on a weekly, ongoing basis to help you recognize and change deep-rooted and potentially self-sabotaging mental and emotional behaviors, thoughts, and patterns that are keeping you feeling stuck, in pain, and away from the life you want to live.
  • Do you accept insurance?
    Please ask your therapist about their policy.  For the most part, South Tampa counselors are paid directly for each therapy session by the client.  However, we can assist you in getting reimbursed by your insurance company.
  • How do I choose a therapist?
    As a counseling group we have access to many qualified therapists with a variety of specialties. Each therapist in our network lists all of their specialties in the bio pages. Please reach out for an initial discussion or consultation to see if your needs match their experience.
  • Is what I share confidential?
    Absolutely. What you share with us in our sessions is completely confidential except in the case of 1) immediate threat of harm to self or other, 2) suspicion of child or dependent elder abuse, 3) in the case of a court subpoena. We’ll discuss all of this and our other office policies during your initial intake session.
  • Which is better, therapy or medication?
    Both medication and therapy have been shown to be effective in treating mental illness. The type of treatment used depends on the nature of the problem. Generally, medication is often prescribed for conditions known to have strong biological components, such as major depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or panic disorder. Our therapists can refer you to medical healthcare providers including psychiatrists